People who face burglary at night are putting themselves at unnecessary risk by seeking a confrontation with burglars. This is the conclusion of the National Burglary Prevention Weeks Foundation based on research into the behaviour of people who are confronted with a burglar in their home.
Over a quarter (26.9 per cent) say they immediately go to see if what is going on. Almost 10 per cent call 112 first and then go to see if there is a burglar around. Some 18 per cent of women ask if their partner will go and check the situation. Coen Staal, chairman of the foundation: "A burglar prefers not to seek confrontation with the resident. For that reason, he breaks in at night. If he feels he is cornered and cannot escape in time, you don't know what his reaction will be. A sudden confrontation with a resident could then lead him to use violence. You really should always try to avoid that."
About half of those surveyed in this study do not confront a possible burglar. One calls 112 and stays in bed listening (12 per cent) or makes a lot of noise and turns on the light in the hope that the burglar will take off (9.7 per cent). Sybren van der Velden, project leader residential burglaries at the National Police: "The most effective thing to do is to call 112 first and report, with your name and address, that you probably hear a burglar in your house. Wait a few minutes, then turn on the light in your bedroom and make noise." Over 15 per cent of respondents said they would do this. Van der Velden warns, "Never seek confrontation with the burglar, even with a means of defence, such as a bat, however much that may go against the sense of justice. After all, that baton can also be used against you."
The survey also addressed how people would react if they found out in the morning that they had been burgled and items had been stolen. Over half (52 per cent) said they would be angry or furious, or irritated (13 per cent). "You obviously don't expect the havoc the burglar has left behind when you enter your living room in the morning," they say. Reactions like shocked (46 per cent), outraged (25 per cent) and surprised (8 per cent), are therefore logical," said Staal.
Previous research by the foundation showed that almost three quarters experience emotional consequences after a burglary. This is now again evident from the answers given: You feel unsafe (34 per cent), anxious (21 per cent) and vulnerable (15 per cent). Interestingly, one in five respondents (22 per cent) said they were especially happy that nothing happened to them and their family members.
Steel: "Prevention is still better than cure. Therefore, check some parts of your home, such as the rear and front door security and the locks on your French windows. There is a check on to easily check those parts of your home. By taking the right measures, you can greatly reduce the chances of a burglary. Burglars always look for houses where they can enter most easily. Furthermore, it is also important to have a landline or mobile phone at your disposal in your bedroom, to call 112 or notify your neighbourhood's Whatsapp group." However, one in six respondents (16.4 per cent) cannot have that at their bedroom. "Worrying," thinks Staal.
Source; Security management magazine 14-12 2017
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