From Burgernet and Buurtpreventie we were made aware of the following: Criminals with babble tricks active in Alphen aan den Rijn. Be Alert!
On behalf of the Neighbourhood Prevention Department Allphen aan den Rijn
If the municipality of Alphen aan den Rijn has recently been the scene of several babbling scams, we would like to draw your attention to this. We ask you to ensure that this information also reaches the elderly in your area. Warn parents, grandparents, neighbours and friends about this form of theft.

What is a chatterbox?
Babble tricks are excuses that scammers use to try to rob people. The scammers often look trustworthy. They come to the door or talk to people on the street. For example, they say they are from the bank or home care, that they have come to read the meter or ask if their child can go to the toilet at your place. The police developed four short prevention films to make the elderly more alert to the risks that can lead to theft via chatty tricks. In addition, the films contain tips that elderly people can use to increase their own safety. For additional tips, view the leaflet at the following link:

How do I recognise an ATM chatterbox?
While withdrawing money, this video shows the victim's PIN code being swiped. The victim is then followed and distracted so that the debit card can also be stolen. See the video at the following link and this video also contains prevention tips.
Always be alert when withdrawing cash. In a common form of a babble trick, the victim withdraws groceries from a supermarket or withdraws money from an ATM. Unnoticed, the perpetrator looks over the shoulder to find out the PIN number. Did that happen? Then the offender steals the debit card with an excuse, for example by distracting you in the supermarket. Or he drops a €5 or €10 note, for example, and taps the person making the debit card on the shoulder. He then manages to convince the victim that he or she has lost money. The victim puts the money in the wallet. Moments later, the same person comes back to the victim and says that the money is his or her own after all. Sometimes a second perpetrator is involved. The victim gets overwhelmed and then grabs his or her wallet to return the money. Meanwhile, the offender manages to distract the victim so much that the debit card is removed from the wallet unnoticed. Then the offender withdraws large sums of money from the account. Sometimes a phone call is made using an excuse to get hold of the PIN code. Elderly people in particular fall victim to this chat room trick.
How do I increase my security during PIN payments?
- Pin inside a bank if possible, but be vigilant and pin safely there too.
- When entering your PIN, screen the keys.
- Don't get distracted. Not even if someone says you dropped a banknote or something else, for example. Do you think the money is yours after all? Then put it in your jacket pocket and not in your wallet.
- Is someone standing too close to you? Before pinning, ask that person to move back a bit. Are there two of you? Then let the second person ensure that distance is kept.
- Store your cash and debit card in separate compartments of your wallet.
- Have you still become a victim? Then block your debit card immediately and report it to the police.

How do I prevent large sums from being withdrawn from my account?
To prevent large sums from being withdrawn from your bank account, it is wise to transfer money that is not immediately needed from your current account to a savings account. In addition, if you make sure through your bank that you cannot be unnecessarily (much) "in the red" on your current account, you also prevent others from being able to withdraw large sums from your account.
It is also important to set a daily withdrawal limit. Automatically, this is set at around 1,000 euros. Adjust this limit to, say, 200 euros. If your ATM card and PIN code are stolen, the damage will be less. Ask your bank about the possibilities.

Safe on the phone
The film: safe on the phone (click on the link deals with the risks of giving personal information over the phone. A stranger pretends to be a bank teller and manages to find out the PIN code and steal the debit card with an excuse. The film includes prevention tips.

How do I report a babble trick?
Call the general hotline 0900-8844 if the offender has disappeared and call 112 if the offender is still around!

How do I block my debit or credit card?
Has your debit or credit card been stolen? If so, contact your bank immediately to block the cards. This will prevent the perpetrator from withdrawing money with your card. Below you will find contact details for the various banks.
Banks stricter
Since 1 January 2013, banks have had stricter rules around paying back if you are a victim of babble tricks (or phishing). Banks do not refund or refund less quickly if the PIN code is passed on. They also continue to require the debit card to be kept separately from the code.

Tips on how to prevent a hang-up

This file contains some tips on how to prevent a hang-up:

Burgernet Alphen aan den Rijn

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