A carbon monoxide detector gives a loud signal when a dangerous amount of carbon monoxide (CO) is measured in the home.

Carbon monoxide is also known as carbon monoxide. It is released during incomplete combustion of fuels such as gas, oil, petrol, wood and coal. Carbon monoxide can be released into your home by a poorly installed or poorly maintained stove, central heating boiler, geyser or improperly functioning combustion appliance.

A high concentration of carbon monoxide can be deadly. This is because carbon monoxide is absorbed into your blood faster than oxygen. This displaces oxygen. At high concentrations, you can become unconscious or comatose. The possible consequence is permanent brain damage or even death.

Carbon monoxide cannot be seen, smelled or tasted. Our senses cannot perceive it. This is why it is sometimes called the silent silent assassin. This is precisely why it is so important to install a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide cannot be detected in time in any other way.

Unlike the smoke detector, a carbon monoxide detector is not mandatory. However, we strongly recommend it! It is also possible to link a carbon monoxide detector to an alarm system with notification to a PAC.

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Carbon monoxide detector