Honeywell has made a major upgrade, with improved performance and cybersecurity, to their GX Remote app for the Galaxy Dimension and Galaxy Flex systems.
To continue receiving push notifications from your Galaxy Dimension or Galaxy Flex system, the IP address in the Ethernet module of the Galaxy panel must be changed. If you do not use push notification, no change is required.
This change can be done remotely for our customers who have a remote connection via the Remote Servicing Suite software (RSS) or via the virtual keyboard on the GX Remote app itself. For customers who do not have a remote connection, the change must be done on-site via the panel keyboard.
Today, we try to personally contact all our customers, who use push notification, for further fine-tuning.
To minimise interruptions, Honeywell has chosen to run existing and new server systems in parallel until 30 April 2020. The legacy system will be disconnected at midnight on 30 April. We realise that this is a very short deadline. Unfortunately, it is beyond our control.
Galaxy Flex and Galaxy Dimension systems whose IP address has not changed by this date (30 April midnight) will no longer receive push notifications from 1 May 2020.
These changes will ensure that in partnership with Honeywell, you have the foundation to maintain, develop and improve the GX Remote app for Galaxy Flex and Galaxy Dimension ranges, with improved cybersecurity and reliability for years to come.
Honeywell is committed to providing the latest and most robust commercial security offering in the industry. They wish to make their customers' facilities safer and more productive by delivering intelligent, connected, secure systems with a continued focus on innovation, security and service.
If you have any further questions, please take contact on us.
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