Robbery alarm protocol changed
Important for anyone (companies and individuals) who has a robbery button. Until recently, once this was pressed, the police immediately rushed out with the highest priority. However, figures show that 99% of all robbery reports turn out to be needless afterwards. The robbery button is activated by human action. It often involves accidental pressing or malfunction. This puts unwanted high pressure on police capacity.
To prevent police from having to act too often on false alarms, something has changed from 1 July 2021 for companies, organisations and individuals who use a robbery button as part of their security. From 1 July, reports will be verified first and then addressed with the highest priority. After all, robberies are called High Impact Crimes for a reason.
Verification can preferably be done by video. This works quickly and is clear. Because it is also done 'silently', this is by far the most secure method of verification. Besides video verification, there are other ways to verify an alarm. For example, through personal verification; here, someone (e.g. a security guard or contact person) can visit the object and assess the alarm first. Technical verification can thus be done via video (camera system) or listening in (audio verification). Where an alarm is triggered in several zones, this is called zone verification or combination verification.
Unverified alarms
Alarms that cannot be verified are given a lower priority by the police.
See the flyer below for more information.
Customer robbery alarm-first-check,-then-police!
More information can also be found on the website of the Police and Federation Safe Netherlands
continuous reading
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