Like us, burglars also see your door as the entrance to your home or business. An easy way to enter your home or business. It is therefore important that the door is properly secured against burglary. This can be done by means of architectural and/or electronic measures.

Securing your door against burglary can be done in several ways.
The basis, of course, is approved hardware. Always lock your door when sleeping or leaving. Also, burglars hate light, so hanging a good outdoor light with motion sensor is recommended.

Of course, there are other ways to properly secure your door against burglary. For example, you can secure your door with a Secustrip.

A Secustrip consists of two steel strips. These are fully custom-made for you and sprayed in the colour of your frame and door if desired. We place the two steel parts on the door and frame. Burglars can then no longer open the door with a screwdriver or crowbar.

An electronic burglar alarm system is an example of a system that secures more than just your door against burglary. Among other things, we place magnetic contacts and/or vibration contacts on your door. In the event of disruption or opening, the signal devices are triggered immediately.

image-larcoz-2 (1)Burglars are becoming increasingly brazen. These days, they simply ring the doorbell and then overpower you and force their way in. To hear and see who is at your door, you can choose to secure your door with an intercom system. With an intercom, you can hear and see who is at your door without opening the door. You decide who you let in!

LARCOZ is a specialist in burglary protection. There are numerous ways to secure your windows and doors against burglary. Contact us for more information about all the possibilities. We will gladly visit you for an assessment and advice without any obligation, because securing your doors against burglary is also a customised job.

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